Monday, June 13, 2011

Mr.Thomas Waits!

Somewhat recently, in March, Mr.Tom waits was placed into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  I think this was long over due, but over all, It happened and It made many lovers and listeners of his music Happy. Some of his songs like Raining dogs and Hows it going to end, Hit many people where it needed, But others like Poor edward didnt. I cant barely find anything about him I dont like. The thing that made him who he is today is kinda what I hate the most. It was his smoking, because of that his voice is like this, but Its what made him amazing, his voice.
Rain Dogs.


So many things to start with. Well, Most of there songs are chilled, lay back, Indie type music. For most Musical..Listeners? They know what that means, But for people who dont, it means the type of music you'd listen to at a coffee shop or just some calm relaxing type music, infused with jazz with a Type of snap to it, These guys are one of my favorites I've heard in a very long time, and there Is just no way that I couldn't review them!
Turnstile Blues.

Asleep at the Trigger.

The National!

What to say, What to say. There new Albums, Boxer (Correct me If I'm wrong.) And also High Violet. These albums I've heard and listen to but Expect High violet. High violets appearance kinda startled me, because the fact that I haven't heard of it anywhere and Now I have new speculations on its soundings. Boxer in my opinion were just Fantastic, but I have to say they experimented with a few critical points and a few things I wasn't really familiar with, but All the same, Its awesome.
Mistaken for strangers!!

Sick Puppies!

Oh my, I think its time I truly introduced Sick puppies. There one of the Bands that I rarely listen to but I think Its time I put them on here. They came from Australia, and started off as a low key type of Band. Dark rock, Not metal, But I'd say they're very well put together and haven't messed up anything yet. A few of there songs Seemed out of tone for me, but age comes with Taste. Along with here songs, Say my name, I hate you, And "My world", And there Newest album I'm aware of called Tri-polar Have made them Somewhat popular among the states and some foreign nations.
My world.

Death Cab For Cutie

Being one of my favorite bands, I think it should be the first on the list of many great musical Notices. To name a Few, Grapevines, The ice is getting thinner, Crooked teeth, All of these songs were amazing hits from a few of there Old and new Albums, But to say  they were Perfect is a mistake. They had there up's and downs to a few of there songs and some didnt hit home on some of there charts, But overall, they did amazing on there Tours. 

Grapeveines Fires